Petsafe simply clean automatic litter box red light
Petsafe simply clean automatic litter box red light


One possible downside of an automatic disposal litter box is that its mechanical parts can fail. Frequent automatic cleanings are essential to keep odors under control, but keep in mind that some cats might dislike the noise and movement of an automatic disposal litter box. Some of these litter boxes can detect when a cat has finished going to the bathroom, triggering a cleaning cycle. They’re a good option for busy households. On the other hand, automatic disposal litter boxes are convenient- they do most of the work for you.


Manual scooping means you won’t miss anything. What you find in a litter box can reveal important information about your cat’s health. Since you’re in control as the pet parent, you can ensure the litter is kept clean to your standards. Manual litter boxes are usually less expensive than automatic disposal litter boxes. An undesirable mess is much less likely to occur with top-entry boxes since all sides are covered. With front-entry litter boxes, some litter can still escape while cats are digging or leaving the box. Top-entry litter boxes are ideal for containing litter within the box. Since cats enter from the top of a litter box as opposed to a hole in the side, the only space it takes up is the dimensions of the box. However, they’re still a popular design because they are a space-saving option. Top-entry litter boxes can be difficult to access for kittens, elderly cats, and cats with mobility issues. You can even find front-entry options for cats with mobility issues. This is the classic design that is accessible to most cats, from young kittens to senior cats.

petsafe simply clean automatic litter box red light

Top-Entryįront-entry litter boxes are readily available. Some cats may have a preference for one type or the other, so it’s a good idea to experiment, if possible. They’re the simple and often budget-friendly option. Open litter boxes are easier to clean and generally acceptable to most cats.

petsafe simply clean automatic litter box red light

They’re also harder to clean than an open litter box. Depending on an individual cat’s personality, they may make a particularly skittish cat feel trapped. The downside of an enclosed litter box is that larger cats may find them more cramped and uncomfortable. This type of litter box can also prevent other pets-like dogs-from sticking their heads and paws inside. An enclosed litter box tends to make it more difficult for cats to kick the litter out, keeping it within the confines of the box instead. They also hide the litter and are often available in fun designs. Open BoxĮnclosed litter boxes are a popular pick because they can be more effective at containing odors. To avoid the extra cleanup, some pet parents opt for a litter box with extra-high sides for this reason as well. Some cats also squat higher than others, which means urine can spray out of a low litter box. A high-sided litter box can keep the litter spray contained. Depending on how much your cat digs, this can mean pawfuls of litter flinging into the air. Most cats dig around before or after doing their business. Height is also an important feature for many cat owners to look for in a litter box. A litter box should have enough space for a cat to turn around and dig without difficulty. Just like most people prefer a spacious bathroom, most cats prefer a spacious litter box. It’s important to take your cat’s size into account when choosing the best litter box. Other preferences like odor control, design, and automatic features will be up to you. While some cats will happily use any litter box, other cats have a definite preference for different sizes, shapes, entry points, and open or enclosed boxes. Photo: What to Consider When Buying a Litter Box

petsafe simply clean automatic litter box red light

BEST SELF-FLUSHING: CatGenie Self Washing Self Flushing Cat Box.BEST DISPOSABLE: Kitty’s Wonderbox Disposable Litter Box.BEST HIDDEN: Good Pet Stuff Hidden Litter Box.BEST AUTOMATIC: PetSafe ScoopFree Ultra Self Cleaning Litter Box.


  • UPGRADE PICK: Modkat Flip Litter Box with Scoop and Reusable Liner.
  • RUNNER-UP: Nature’s Miracle High-Sided Litter Box.
  • BEST OVERALL: Petmate Booda Dome Clean Step Cat Litter Box.
  • This guide will introduce you to some of the best litter boxes on the market to help keep your home smelling fresh, and both you and your feline friend happy. Regardless, a litter box is available to suit most sizes, shapes, aesthetics, and budgets. Perhaps you live in a residence with a lot of rooms where you can hide a litter box out of sight, or-due to space-it might need to be located in the room where you spend most of your time. You might own a kitten, a senior cat, a cat with mobility issues, or just a cat who is a bit fussy. Luckily, pet supply manufacturers know that every cat has a preference. Finding the best litter box can be a challenge, as you want one that works for both your cat and your household. When it comes to using the litter box, some cats are pickier than others.

    Petsafe simply clean automatic litter box red light